While I am still not sure about the exact configuration of the chapters I want to feature in the project, I have known for a while that I would definitely include the famous last chapter, Concerning the Skill of the Symphonetae. For one, it is easily the most interesting to most readers: Featuring portraits of some of the most well known composers of the late 15th and early 16th century, it presents a wide range of fascinating sample compositions, as well as Glareans commentary on them. Apart from the content, it offers a wide range of names, pieces and even places that can be tagged, and the music, which is sometimes offered in two variants, one as a riddle and one with the riddle resolved, will pose some interesting challenges in terms of encoding this. So for now I decided to postpone the question of what other chapters I would want to feature and get a headstart into preparing the text for this chapter. After all, it is one of the longest of the entire book and I will have plenty to do with that alone and I figured it would be best to dive into work to get a feeling of what might lie ahead and use that experience to plan my further steps.